The eyes burn, hurt, are irritated and swollen. There is often a foreign body sensation. Dry eye (or sicca syndrome) is the most common eye condition worldwide. Every fifth patient who visits an ophthalmologist is diagnosed with dry eye.
Women are affected much more often. The various symptoms can be due to insufficient production or excessive evaporation of the tear film. If symptoms persist, you should always contact your ophthalmologist.
Die mögliche Ursachen für Trockene Augen sind vielfältig:
die Einnahme von Medikamenten, Krankheiten oder Umwelteinflüsse können das Auftreten der Symptomatik auslösen. Eine Hauptursache für Trockene Augen liegt zudem im steigenden Konsum digitaler Medien. Oft stecken auch altersbedingte Veränderungen am Augengewebe oder eine hormonelle Umstellung wie beispielsweise die Wechseljahre dahinter. Auch Operationen am Auge oder das Tragen von Kontaktlinsen können die Symptome verschlimmern.
Multifactorial causes
For many of those affected, several factors are responsible for the eye problem. The ophthalmologist can therefore only help to a limited extent with dry eyes. However, in order to effectively alleviate the symptoms and rule out serious eye diseases, the symptoms must be thoroughly clarified.
Artificial Tears
The diagnosis and symptoms of the patient decide on the treatment concept. The most important basis of therapy are artificial tears: drops, ointment, gels or sprays. They form a protective and lubricating film on the surface of the eye and stabilize the tear film. Artificial tears are available in a wide variety of compositions. However, refrain from self-medication: the wrong therapy can aggravate the symptoms or even cause other problems. Tear substitutes must therefore be selected individually by your ophthalmologist.
Concomitant Medication
Depending on the situation, there may also exist concomitant medication depending on the cause and severity of dry eye disease, such as anti-inflammatory drugs or dietary supplements. Doctors and patients often have to be patient to find out which treatment option will bring the best possible success.
Individual therapies are the most successful.
- Ventilate your rooms regularly
- Give your eyes frequent breaks when reading intensively or working on the computer
- Use a humidifier
- If possible avoid the fan in the car • Avoid over heated or air-conditioned rooms as much as possible
- Meiden Sie stark beheizte oder klimatisierte Räumlichkeiten so weit wie möglich.
- Drink enough (at least 2 liters a day)
- Avoid alcohol and cigarettes including secondhand smoke
- Make sure you eat a diet rich in vitamins. Enrich your diet plan with plenty of vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids. Include foods rich in antioxidants
- Make sure you get enough sleep
- In any case, you should have your ophthalmologist do regular check-ups, because no eye disease is so harmless that you can treat it yourself!