Leydolt C, Schartmüller D, Schwarzenbacher L, Prenner V, Danzinger V, Lisy M, Abela-Formanek C, Menapace R.

Posterior capsule opacification with two similar-design hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lenses: 3-year results of a randomized controlled trial.

J Cataract Refract Surg. 2024 Aug 12.

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Danzinger V, Schartmüller D, Lisy M, Schranz M, Schwarzenbacher L, Abela-Formanek C, Menapace R, Leydolt C.

Fellow-Eye Comparison of Monocular Visual Outcomes Following Monofocal Extended Depth-of-Focus (EDOF) and Trifocal EDOF Intraocular Lens Implantation.

Am J Ophthalmol. 2024 Nov;267:76-83.

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Danzinger V, Schartmüller D, Lisy M, Schranz M, Schwarzenbacher L, Abela-Formanek C, Menapace R, Leydolt C.

Intraindividual Comparison of an Enhanced Monofocal and an Aspheric Monofocal Intraocular Lens of the Same Platform.

Am J Ophthalmol. 2024 May;261:95-102.

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Danzinger V, Schartmüller D, Schwarzenbacher L, Röggla V, Abela-Formanek C, Menapace R, Leydolt C.

Clinical prospective intra-individual comparison after mix-and-match implantation of a monofocal EDOF and a diffractive trifocal IOL.

Eye (Lond). 2024 Feb;38(2):321-327

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Leydolt C, Menapace R:

Reply to Comment on: Posterior Capsule Opacification With Two Hydrophobic Acrylic Intraocular Lenses: 3-Year Results of a Randomized Trial.
Am J Ophthalmol. 2021 Mar;223:449-450.

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Leydolt C, Schartmüller D, Schwarzenbacher L, Röggla V, Schriefl S, Menapace R:
Posterior capsule opacificationwith two hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lenses: 3-year results of a randomized trial.
Am J Ophthalmol. 2020 Apr 23.

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Leydolt C, Schartmüller D, Schwarzenbacher L, Schranz M, Schriefl S, Menapace R:
Comparison of posterior capsule opacification development with 2 single-piece intraocular lens types
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2017 Jun;43(6):774-780

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Leydolt C, Schriefl S, Stifter E, Haszcz A, Menapace R:
Posterior capsule opacification with the iMics1 NY-60 and AcrySof SN60WF 1-piece hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lens: 3-year results of a randomized trial
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2013; 156(2):375-381

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Leydolt C, Kriechbaum K Schriefl S, Pachala M, Menapace R:
Posterior capsule opacification and neodymium:YAG rates with 2 single-piece hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lenses: Three-year results
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2013; 39:1886-1892

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Leydolt C, Menapace R, Stifter E, Prinz A, Neumayer T:
Effect of primary posterior continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis with posterior optic buttonholing on pilocarpine induced IOL shift.
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2012; 38:1895-901

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Leydolt C, Michels S, Prager F, Garhoefer G, Georgopoulos M, Polak K, Schmidt-Erfurth U:
Effect of intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin®) in neovascular age-related macular degeneration using an OCT-based treatment regimen: six and twelve months results
Acta Ophthalmologica 2010; 88(5):594-600

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Leydolt C, Neumayer T, Prinz A, Findl O:
Effect of patient motivation on near vision in pseudophakic patients
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2009; 147(3): 398-405

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Leydolt C, Findl O, Drexler W:
Effects of change in intraocular pressure on axial eye length and lens position
Eye 2008; 22: 657-61

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Leydolt C, Davidovic S, Sacu S, Menapace R, Neumayer T, Prinz A, Buehl W, Findl O:
Longterm effect of 1-piece and 3-piece hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lenses on posterior capsule opacification: a randomised trial
Ophthalmology 2007; 114: 1663-9

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Koeppl C, Findl O, Kriechbaum K, Drexler W:
Comparison of pilocarpine-induced and stimulus driven accommodation in phakic eyes
Experimental Eye Research 2005; 80:795-800.

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Koeppl C, Findl O, Menapace R, Kriechbaum K, Wirtitsch M, Buehl W, Sacu S, Drexler W:
Pilocarpine induced shift of an ‘accommodating’ intraocular lens: AT-45 CrystaLens
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2005; 31:1290-7.

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Koeppl C, Findl O, Kriechbaum K, Sacu S, Drexler W:
Change of IOL position and capsular bag size with an angulated intraocular lens early after cataract surgery
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2005; 31:348-53.

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Koeppl C, Findl O, Kriechbaum K, Buehl W, Wirtitsch M, Menapace R, Drexler W:
Postoperative change in effective lens position of a 3-piece acrylic intraocular lens
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2003; 29:1974-1979

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Lisy M, Danzinger V, Schranz M, Mahnert N, Abela-Formanek C, Leydolt C, Menapace R, Schartmüller D.

Assessing Postoperative Toric Intraocular Lens Rotation: A Comparative Analysis. J

Cataract Refract Surg. 2024 Nov 18.

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Schartmüller D, Lisy M, Mahnert N, Schranz M, Danzinger V, Schwarzenbacher L, Pieh S, Abela-Formanek C, Leydolt C, Menapace R.

Rotational stability and refractive outcomes of a new hydrophobic acrylic toric intraocular lens.

Eye Vis (Lond). 2024 Jul 2;11(1):25.

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Schwarzenbacher L, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Schartmüller D, Röggla V, Leydolt C, Menapace R, Reiter GS.

Long-term impact of low-energy femtosecond laser and manual cataract surgery on macular layer thickness: A prospective randomized study.

Acta Ophthalmol. 2024 Aug;102(5):e862-e868.

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Schartmüller D, Röggla V, Schwarzenbacher L, Meyer EL, Abela-Formanek C, Leydolt C, Menapace R.

Influence of a Capsular Tension Ring on Capsular Bag Behavior of a Plate Haptic Intraocular Lens: An Intraindividual Randomized Trial.

Ophthalmology. 2024 Apr;131(4):445-457.

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Röggla V, Schartmüller D, Schwarzenbacher L, Leydolt C, Menapace R. Rotational stability, decentration and tilt of a new hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lens platform. Am J Ophthalmol. 2023 Feb 6:S0002-9394(23)00041-7

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Schwarzenbacher L, Seeböck P, Schartmüller D, Leydolt C, Menapace R, Schmidt-Erfurth U. Automatic segmentation of intraocular lens, the retrolental space and Berger’s space using deep learning. Acta Ophthalmol. 2022 Dec;100(8):e1611-e1616.

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Langenbucher A, Szentmáry N, Cayless A, Röggla V, Leydolt C, Wendelstein J, Hoffmann P. Similarity of eyes in a cataractous population-How reliable is the biometry of the fellow eye for lens power calculation? PLoS One. 2022 Jun 30;17(6):e0269709.

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Schwarzenbacher L, Schartmüller D, Leydolt C, Menapace R. Prostaglandin Release After Low-Energy Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery Without Anti-Inflammatory Drug Premedication. Am J Ophthalmol. 2022 Jun;238:103-109.

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Menapace R, Schartmüller D, Röggla V, Reiter GS, Leydolt C, Schwarzenbacher L. Ultrasound energy consumption and macular changes with manual and femtolaser-assisted high-fluidics cataract surgery: a prospective randomized comparison. Acta Ophthalmol. 2022 Mar;100(2):e414-e422.

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Röggla V, Langenbucher A, Leydolt C, Schartmüller D, Schwarzenbacher L, Abela-Formanek C, Menapace R. Accuracy of common IOL power formulas in 611 eyes based on axial length and corneal power ranges. Br J Ophthalmol. 2021 Dec;105(12):1661-1665.

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Langenbucher A, Szentmáry N, Leydolt C, Cayless A, Schwarzenbacher L, Zsolt Nagy Z, Menapace R. Calculation of ocular magnification in phakic and pseudophakic eyes based on anterior segment OCT data. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2021 Jul;41(4):831-841.

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Schartmüller D, Schwarzenbacher L, Schriefl S, Röggla V, Steiner I, Abela-Formanek C, Leydolt C, Menapace R. Rotational Stability of Intraocular Lenses: A Standardized Method for More Accurate Measurements in Future Studies. Am J Ophthalmol. 2021 Nov;231:200-207.

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Reiter GS, Schwarzenbacher L, Schartmüller D, Röggla V, Leydolt C, Menapace R, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Sacu S. Influence of lens opacities and cataract severity on quantitative fundus autofluorescence as a secondary outcome of a randomized clinical trial. Sci Rep. 2021 Jun 16;11(1):12685.

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Röggla V, Schartmüller D, Schwarzenbacher L, Chbib RA, Leydolt C, Menapace R. Comparison of Axis Determination With Different Toric Intraocular Lens Power Calculation Methods. J Refract Surg. 2021 Sep;37(9):642-647.

Publikation ansehen

Menapace R, Schartmüller D, Röggla V, Reiter GS, Leydolt C, Schwarzenbacher L. Ultrasound energy consumption and macular changes with manual and femtolaser-assisted high-fluidics cataract surgery: a prospective randomized comparison. Acta Ophthalmol. 2021 Sep 20.

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Schartmüller D, Röggla V, Schwarzenbacher L, Leydolt C, Menapace R. Rotational Stability of a New Hydrophobic Acrylic IOL With Modified C-loop Haptics. J Refract Surg. 2021 Feb 1;37(2):112-118.

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Schwarzenbacher L, Schartmüller D, Röggla V, Meyer E, Leydolt C, Menapace R. One-Year Results of Arcuate Keratotomy in Patients With Low to Moderate Corneal Astigmatism Using a Low-Pulse-Energy Femtosecond Laser. Am J Ophthalmol. 2021 Apr;224:53-65.

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Röggla V, Langenbucher A, Leydolt C, Schartmüller D, Schwarzenbacher L, Abela-Formanek C, Menapace R. Accuracy of common IOL power formulas in 611 eyes based on axial length and corneal power ranges. Br J Ophthalmol. 2021 Dec;105(12):1661-1665.

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Röggla V, Leydolt C, Schartmüller D, Schwarzenbacher L, Meyer E, Abela-Formanek C, Menapace R. Influence of Artificial Tears on Keratometric Measurements in Cataract Patients. Am J Ophthalmol. 2021 Jan;221:1-8.

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Schartmüller D, Schwarzenbacher L, Meyer EL, Schriefl S, Leydolt C, Menapace R. Comparison of Long-Term Rotational Stability of Three Commonly Implanted Intraocular Lenses. Am J Ophthalmol. 2020 Dec;220:72-81.

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Schwarzenbacher L, Schartmueller D, Leydolt C, Menapace R: Intra-individual comparison of cytokine and prostaglandin levels with and without low-energy, high-frequency femtosecond laser cataract pretreatment following single-dose topical NSAID application. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2020 Apr 24.

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Schartmüller D, Schriefl S, Schwarzenbacher L, Leydolt C, Kundi M, Pieh S, Menapace R, Kriechbaum K: Posterior capsule opacification and Nd:YAG laser rates with two hydrophobic acrylic single-piece IOLs. Eye (Lond). 2020 May;34(5):857-863.

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Menapace R, Schriefl S, Lwowski C, Leydolt C: Impact of primary posterior capsulorhexis on regeneratory after-cataract and YAG laser rates with an acrylic micro-incision intraocular lens with plate haptics: 1-year and 3-year results. Acta Ophthalmol. 2019 Dec;97(8)

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Schartmüller D, Schriefl S, Schwarzenbacher L, Leydolt C, Menapace R: True rotational stability of a single-piece hydrophobic intraocular lens. Br J Ophthalmol. 2019 Feb;103(2):186-190.

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Schröder S, Wagenpfeil S, Leydolt C, Menapace R, Langenbucher A: Interpretation of the Intraocular Lens Constants for the Haigis Formula. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2017 Aug;234(8):975-978

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Schröder S, Leydolt C, Menapace R, Eppig T, Langenbucher A: Determination of Personalized IOL-Constants for the Haigis Formula under Consideration of Measurement Precision. PLoS One. 2016 Jul 8;11

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Schriefl S, Menapace R, Stifter E, Zaruba D, Leydolt C: Development of posterior capsular opacification and Nd:YAG capsulotomy rates with the iMics Y-60H and the MI60: 3-year results of a randomized clinical trial J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015 May;41(5):956-63

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Schriefl SM, Leydolt C, Stifter E, Menapace R.: Posterior capsular opacification and Nd:YAG capsulotomy rates with the iMics Y-60H and Micro AY intra-ocular lenses: 3-year results of a randomized clinical trial. Acta Ophthalmol. 2015 Jun;93(4):342-7

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Dunavoelgyi R, Sacu S, Eibenberger K, Palkovits S, Leydolt C, Pruente C, Schmidt-Erfurth U. Retreatment with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy based on changes in visual acuity after initial stabilization of neovascular age-related macular degeneration: 3-year follow-up results. Retina. 2012 Sep;32(8):1471-9.

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Bolz M, Menapace R, Findl O, Sacu S, Buehl W, Wirtitsch M, Leydolt C, Kriechbaum K: Effect of anterior capsule polishing on the posterior capsule opacification-inhibiting properties of a sharp-edged, 3-piece, silicone intraocular lens: three- and 5-year results of a randomized trial. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2006 Sep;32(9):1513-20.

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Kriechbaum K, Leydolt C, Findl O, Bolz M, Drexler W: Comparison of partial coherence interferometers: Acmaster versus laboratory prototype. J Refract Surg. 2006 Oct;22(8):811-6.

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Pircher M, Gotzinger E, Findl O, Michels S, Geitzenauer W, Leydolt C, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Hitzenberger CK. Human macula investigated in vivo with polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2006 Dec;47(12):5487-94.

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Kriechbaum K, Findl O, Koeppl C, Menapace R, Drexler W: Stimulus-driven versus pilocarpine-induced biometric changes in pseudophakic eyes Ophthalmology 2005; 112:453-9.

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Buehl W, Findl O, Menapace R, Sacu S, Kriechbaum K, Koeppl C, Wirtitsch M: Long-term effect of optic edge design in an acrylic intraocular lens on posterior capsule opacification. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2005; 31(5):954-61.

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Findl O, Kriechbaum K, Menapace R, Koeppl C, Sacu S, Wirtitsch M, Buehl W, Drexler W: Laserinterferometric assessment of pilocarpine-induced movement of an ‚accommodating‘ intraocular lens: a randomized trial. Ophthalmology 2004;111: 1515-1521

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Petternel V, Koeppl C, Dejaco-Ruhswurm I, Findl O, Skorpik C, Drexler W: Effect of accommodation and pupil size on the movement of a posterior chamber lens in the phakic eye. Ophthalmology 2004; 111: 325-331

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Wirtitsch M, Findl O, Menapace R, Kriechbaum K, Koeppl C, Buehl W, Drexler W: Effect of haptic design on postoperative change in axial lens position after cataract surgery. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 2004; 30: 45-51

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Buehl W, Menapace R, Sacu S, Kriechbaum K, Koeppl C, Wirtitsch M, Georgopoulos GM, Findl O: Effect of a silicone intraocular lens with a sharp posterior optic edge on posterior capsule opacification. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2004; 30: 1661-1667

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Kriechbaum K, Findl O, Preussner PR, Koeppl C, Wahl J, Drexler W: Determining postoperative anterior chamber depth. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2003; 29: 2122-2126

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Movement of a posterior chamber lens in phakic eyes assessed with partial coherence laserinterferometry
09/2001 (Betreuer: Findl O, Drexler W)